In this episode of the Hungry Authors Podcast, I discuss working with James Clear on an early version of what would become a phenomenal, perennial bestseller: Atomic Habits.
Thank you, Liz Morrow and Ariel Curry, for inviting me onto the show. They are both the hosts of the Hungry Authors Podcast and the authors of the book by the same name. Every nonfiction author should buy Hungry Authors and subscribe to their podcast.
Throughout their book, they use Atomic Habits as an example because “it so perfectly exemplifies many of the lessons we teach.” Consequently—until they can get James on the show—they settled for a background player in the development of a book that continues to defy expectations.1James once said that his highest expectation was to sell a million copies in his lifetime. It’s currently sold in excess of 20 million.
This is the first time I’ve spoken at length about my work with James Clear. Knowing that Atomic Habits would be our foundation for this episode, I read through old emails and unearthed some true writing and publishing wisdom that he shared with me back then.
If you read or write prescriptive nonfiction, I’m sure you’ll benefit from our conversation.
- 1James once said that his highest expectation was to sell a million copies in his lifetime. It’s currently sold in excess of 20 million.
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